
Livestream is a fun, energetic, high-intensity workout.

40+ different workouts for only $29.99 per month!!

Now you can jump start your workout dancing with Jessica Bass in the comfort of your own home via LiveStream! Not only do you get to dance to all the music you love and Jessica’s fun routines, but you also get to feel the energy of the class she is teaching in Knoxville, TN. These classes really are live and un-edited. It is a class where you see all types of people working hard, sweating and having a blast. You’ll quickly see that its not about you getting the routine perfect on the first try, the idea is to get moving and excited about working out.


Customer Testimonials




When you become a member, you get access to the Live stream classes, OnDemand videos so you never miss a class, dance tutorials, a support community, diet and training tips, workout music, never before seen content and so much more! Best of all, there are no contracts and you are able to cancel anytime!!!

Click here to sign up today!!!